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Home Hurricane Checklist

Hurricane season has arrived in Southwest Florida. If past hurricanes have taught us anything, it is important to be prepared ahead of a storm. A home hurricane checklist can help minimize property damage and ensure that you and your loved ones are safe. Here is a checklist you can use to stay prepared when a storm threatens. This list includes information from the American Red Cross and The Weather Channel.

  • Be attentive. Weather forecasts, although not 100% accurate, are your primary source for preparing your home to prevent damage and providing emergency alerts for your area.
  • Bring outdoor items inside.Patio furniture and any other loose items that can be blown away by the strong hurricane winds should be brought inside. Close or fold any shades and if necessary, uninstall items, such as a satellite dish, that can be reinstalled once hurricane season is over.
  • Close up.Your doors and windows should be closed and hurricane shutters installed or pulled down. If you don’t have shutters, cover your doors and windows with plywood. Boarding up is essential to minimize damage.
  • Adjust refrigerator settings.The freezer and refrigerator should be put on the coldest setting. Be sure to avoid opening it frequently so that if the power is off for long, the food may last longer.
  • Unplug appliances.All electrical appliances should be unplugged to prevent damage from a power surge when your electricity is restored.
  • Keep your hurricane kit ready.Items in your hurricane kit should include a flashlight with extra bulbs/batteries, a first aid kit, rain gear, battery-operated clocks, scissors, up to 7 days of prescribed medicines, insect repellent, hand sanitizer, and feminine hygiene essentials, among other important miscellaneous items that you might need.
  • Stock up on food early.Gather your food supplies at the beginning of the season to avoid the grocery store not having food right before the storm hits. You should have enough food for at least three to seven days for each member of your family.
  • Have an evacuation plan ready.Plan and discuss an evacuation plan with your family, especially kids to minimize confusion in case of an emergency. Have cash and a full tank of gas in case you need to evacuate with short notice.
  • Prepare for your pets.If you have pets in your home, take care of their necessities as well. Pack extra food, water, medicines, collars, and other essentials needed to keep them safe and secure.
  • Stay inside your home.Unless told to evacuate, stay indoors and avoid being near doors and windows. Even if the eye of the storm prevents the winds from blowing for a brief period of time, avoid going outside as the wind can begin to quickly pick up again.

We, at Epic Roofs, can help you with everything related to your roof. Our experts are around the corner to help homeowners in Southwest Florida feel safe and secure during critical times. Regular roof inspections are advised to mitigate risks of leakages and repair damage before it’s too late. Contact us now and let our experts guide you with their knowledge and help you prepare ahead of a storm threat. After all, preparation is the best protection against hurricanes.


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